Improving healthcare for people living with HIV through implementation science

Our Mission
The HLB-SIMPLe research alliance aims to address critical gaps in heart disease prevention and treatment among individuals living with HIV through innovative strategies and collaborative efforts. Funded by the US National Institutes of Health through the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Fogarty International Center, we aim to harness the collective expertise of researchers from African and American universities to develop and test evidence-based strategies tailored to the unique needs of HIV-affected populations in Africa. Through rigorous research and interdisciplinary collaboration with governments, community partners, and health workers and administrators, we strive to advance the field of cardiovascular health in HIV care, ultimately improving health outcomes and quality of life for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Africa and worldwide.

For Context
Thanks to over four decades of political advocacy, scientific achievement, and financial investment, HIV/AIDS is no longer the death sentence it once was. About 38.4 million people globally are currently living with HIV, and those with access to effective treatment and care are mostly able to manage the virus to live long, full lives. As PLWH age, however, they often find themselves contending with new, chronic medical conditions that they must also learn to manage, including hypertension and other forms of cardiovascular disease.
Now the scientific community has a new challenge to address – ensuring all PLWH can access all the care they need to maintain their health and wellbeing – not just medications to suppress HIV. The HLB-SIMPLe Alliance is conducting research in six African countries to find solutions.

The Alliance
HLB-SIMPLe is led by researchers at African universities in partnership with American universities, civil society organizations, and Ministries of Health in the six countries where we work. Our Research Coordinating Center (RCC) provides organizational, administrative, technical, and communications support, alongside officials from the NIH.
Our alliance is comprised of brilliant investigators with diverse backgrounds and expertise, united in their dedication to advancing cardiovascular health in HIV-affected communities.
NIH Collaborators
HLB-SIMPLe collaborates closely with partners from the NIH, notably the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS), and the Fogarty International Center. This team of committed collaborators plays a crucial role in supporting our endeavors.
Community Engagement
At HLB-SIMPLe, we understand HIV’s significant toll on people globally. We prioritize trust-building and partnerships through community engagement in our research. This includes collaborating with researchers, healthcare professionals, organizations, and affected individuals.
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