People in Zambia

Event Calendar

Recurring Meetings

Meeting NameDateTime
HLB‑SIMPLe Steering Committee1st Friday of the month14:00 GMT/10:00 ET/9:00 CT
D&I Subcommittee1st Wednesday of the month14:00 GMT/10:00 ET/9:00 CT
Capacity Building Subcommittee2nd Tuesday of the month12:00 GMT/8:00 ET/7:00 CT
Data Harmonization Subcommittee2nd Wednesday of the month13:00 GMT/9:00 ET/8:00 CT
Publications Subcommittee3rd Tuesday of the month14:00 GMT/10:00 ET/9:00 CT
Cost Effectiveness SubcommitteeEvery other Monday 15:00 GMT/11:00 ET/10:00 CT
Projects and Risks Operations Management (PROM) SubcommitteeQuarterly14:00 GMT/10:00 ET/9:00 CT

International Conferences and Meetings

International AIDS Conference (hybrid)July 22‑26, 2024Munich, Germany
International Society for Quality in Health Care (in person)September 24‑27, 2024Istanbul, Turkey
HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P, hybrid)October 6‑10, 2024Lima, Peru
Zambia Health Research ConferenceOctober 15-17, 2024Lusaka, Zambia
Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (hybrid)November 18‑22, 2024Nagasaki, Japan
Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation (in person)December 8-11, 2024Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Annual Conference (in person)February 20-23, 2025Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)March 9-12, 2025San Francisco, California, USA 2025Windhoek, Namibia